My Fleet
How do you efficiently monitor product loans to media representatives or manage location stays?

How do you efficiently monitor product loans to media representatives or manage location stays?

Harness the power of our Loan Management Application to bring unparalleled transparency and control to your product loans and gifts, ensuring every item’s journey is tracked, its impact measured, and your relationships with media and influencers are more informed and fruitful than ever before.

Unlock the power of intelligent loan management with our platform! By aligning loan data with coverage results and individual users—whether they’ve borrowed a product or experienced a venue stay—you gain unparalleled insights into the value of each interaction. Illuminate your decision-making process for future loans and guest stays, ensuring every choice is informed, strategic, and value-driven!


Tailored Press Fleet Solutions:
Dive into our custom-built Press Fleet Application, designed exclusively for PR professionals seeking cutting-edge solutions.


Autonomous Management: Experience the freedom of a completely self-managed Press Fleet Application, putting you in control.


In-depth Pre-Booking Analysis: Leverage comprehensive media engagement insights before every booking, optimising your strategies from the get-go.


Extensive Media Network: Unlock access to over 60 thousand managed media contacts, broadening your reach and impact.


Unified Global View: Oversee all your press fleet activities from a global perspective, ensuring cohesive and informed management.

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Help us understand how we can make our first meeting most impactful.

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